Monday, February 15, 2010


Hey guys! Remember me? . . . . . . . (mumble, mumble) . . . . yeah, me neither.

So it's been a good length of time since I've visited and I'm sure your faith of me returning and actually writing something worthwhile has withered and died by now. I know mine did. Even now, after poking around for a bit, I feel like a stranger here. What am I doing? I don't really know, but what I do know is that some serious housekeeping needs to happen. I fantasized that I could just plow on, pick up where I left off, act as if the most tremendous life-changing year of my life hadn't just occurred . . . . . but then I logged on and realized it wouldn't be possible. The difference in me between twelve months ago and now, or maybe six, no, even three months ago and now is much too drastic for me to ignore.

Upon this realization, I considered being done with blogging altogether. Time and energy seem to be in short supply these days and both are needed for me to create worthwhile blog posts. Ending all blogging seemed the logical conclusion to that chapter of my life. But then it occurred to me that I had so much I wanted to share, to document, so much I didn't want to forget. That was my original purpose in starting a blog over two years ago: capturing the moments in our lives that we want to hold on to or the ones we don't, but should. This past year has provided plenty of both.

So I've decided that I will continue blogging and hopefully be able to express effectively the experiences I'd like to share, but I think it's going to take more than just some serious housekeeping. I think it's going to take a whole new house. I'm currently shopping for a new location and again, patience is key here. There are some items that, while I really dislike their placement, fall a couple steps ahead of writing for enjoyment on the priorities list. Like writing essays for school. Oh yeah, failed to mention I'm taking college courses didn't I? Ah well, there I go with yet another experience to share for yet another time.

I think I'm taking one step forward, two steps back.